Disclaimer and Liability Terms.
1. Nature of Services: Our company exclusively offers software coding and API technical services to developers and users, aiming to assist in creating and customizing relevant applications. Beyond the specifics outlined in any agreement, we do not assume responsibilities for market operations, management, promotions, support, maintenance, or oversight.
2. Non-financial Services: We strictly offer technical services and do not engage in financial operations, including, but not limited to, payment channels, virtual currencies, deposits, withdrawals, gambling, investments, etc. Clients needing to integrate payment functions must ensure their legality and security.
3. Legal Compliance: Clients must ensure their activities in relation to our technical services comply with laws and regulations of their respective jurisdiction. Any legal risks or repercussions stemming from violations are solely borne by the client.
4. Validity of Disclaimer: Should any portion of this disclaimer be judged as invalid or unenforceable, the validity and enforceability of the remainder shall remain unaffected.
5. No Warranty: The technical services we provide are offered "as is" and "as available," without any kind of explicit or implied warranty.
6. Limitation of Liability: For any damages arising from the use or inability to use our services, regardless of their nature, our liability shall not exceed the fees the client has paid to us.
7. Respect for Local Culture: Clients, while utilizing our services, should respect the moral and cultural norms of the respective regions. Any issues arising thereof are the client's sole responsibility.
8. Political and Public Affairs: Clients must not use our technical services to engage or get involved in any political and public affairs. In such cases, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate services, and to seek legal redress if necessary.
9. Service Alterations: We reserve the right to alter, suspend, or terminate technical services at any time, for any reason, without prior notice.
10.Dispute Resolution: In the event of any disputes arising from these terms, both parties shall initially seek an amicable resolution. If negotiations fail, both parties agree to submit the dispute to a competent court in the jurisdiction where our company is located.